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Student Nutrition

The First Nation Student Nutrition Program (SNP) supports learning by providing nutritious food through breakfast, lunch and snack programs. The SNP is delivered at the schools and KiHS classrooms in Bearskin Lake, Cat Lake, Kasabonika Lake, Kingfisher Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Mishkeegogamang, Muskrat Dam, North Caribou, Sachigo Lake, Slate Falls, Wapekeka and Wunnumin Lake with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services. In 2016 Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre began administering the program to the 18 program sites in the 12 communities.


The SNP funding is used to purchase nutritious food, transport food, hire cooks and to provide cultural activities to the students.


Community hunters, gatherers, gardeners, food enthusiasts, etc and organizations such as Health Departments, Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative and Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program have offered their support to the program in the community. External support comes from Breakfast Clubs of Canada, Fresh Market Foods and The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout.


If you have any questions or want to request a service, we'd love to hear from you.

(807) 737-7373

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